Top 25 Tourist Attractions In The USA

The United States of America is one of the most diverse and largest nations on the planet. No surprise then that The USA has so many tourist attractions. There are certainly way too many to see in one visit. So to help those who will soon be vacationing in the States, here are the top 25 tourist attractions in the USA.

25. Mount Rushmore, South Dakota

A truly American landmark, Mount Rushmore, is located in the Black Hills in Keystone. This national memorial was completed in 1941 and features the faces of four famous former American presidents, carved and blasted out of the granite rock face. Here visitors can see the larger-than-life visages of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln. Hike the Presidential Trail at the base of the memorial to get better views of this famous landmark.

24. Pike Place Market, Washington

This popular place was opened in 1907. It overlooks the waterfront. Pike Place Market is one of Seattle Washington’s historic spots. If you enjoy shopping then this is the place to be.
Many of the area’s oldest businesses are represented here. You can buy fresh fish straight out of Puget Sound. Local cheesemongers here will offer you a taste of Camembert or Brie. You can even see the site of the first official Starbucks coffee shop.