9 Weird And Mysterious Phenomena


There are many bizarre events that often make us stop and wonder. Most unusual events are easily explained once studied. There are moments, however, when even scientists pause prior to providing any proven specific answers as to how or why some things happen.

Check out these nine weird phenomena.

9. Mammatus Clouds

Mammatus clouds are also known as mammary clouds. These particular clouds actually have a certain cellular pattern of what some call “pouches” that hang underneath the cloud’s base. Typically speaking, they are found underneath cumulonimbus clouds that are heavy with rain.

They are quite often closely tied to severe weather conditions. They may appear both before and even after a storm. They often foretell the coming of a significant storm as well as storms that lead to tornadoes. Finally, they are strange because while most clouds are reported to form in rising air, these clouds form in sinking air.