13 Best Things To Do In Jasper, Alberta, Canada

5. Enjoy The Majesty Of Athabasca Falls

The Columbia Ice Field is where the mighty Athabasca River begins its journey. It flows slowly until it reaches a ledge, where it plunges into a small chasm. This is where the seemingly harmless river reveals its true nature, roaring and boiling in an unchecked torrent that raises misty clouds. 

Athabasca Falls, one of Canada’s best waterfalls, is 23 meters high and performs at its peak in the summer when snow melts from the mountains’ highest elevations. Fortunately, most visitors come during this time, and traveling is simple. You can feel the ground tremble under your feet as you walk along a short, relatively level trail that leads right up to the edge of the falls. Mind you, online travel experts confirm that the best time to visit the falls is specifically between June 1 and September 30 when the weather is usually warm.