History buffs and photography enthusiasts will enjoy these rare vintage photos of historical figures.
Many are often portrayed as stoic, severe adults, but these photos show them as young people full of life and potential.
From Abraham Lincoln to Amelia Earhart, these pictures offer a unique glimpse into the lives of some of the most influential people in history. So sit back and enjoy these fascinating photos!
16-year-old Walt Disney, c. 1917.Richard Nixon at the age of 17, c. 1930A 15-year-old Teddy Roosevelt sporting some already impressive chops.A young Joseph Stalin in his early 20s, 1902.Vincent van Gogh at the age of 19, 1873.Bill Clinton shakes hands with John F. Kennedy, 1963.24-year-old Mark Twain,7-year-old Martin Luther King, Jr.Early photo of a young Abraham Lincoln, c. 1840.Sir Winston Churchill in a military uniform at 21 years old, 1895. The photo was hand-tinted.10-year-old JFKFidel Castro reading at his mountain base, 1957.Teenage Sigmund Freud with mother, 1872.John McCain in his late 20s, 1965.23-year-old Nikola Tesla, 187922-year-old FDRErnest Hemingway at 18 or 19, c. 1918.Frederick Douglass between the age of 28 and 32.Bill Clinton at 6 years old, 1952.15-year-old Harry S. Truman, 1899.A 29-year-old Ronald Reagan posing for an art class in 1940.George W. Bush and George H.W. Bush in 1947.Dwight Eisenhower at the age of 21-22 in 1912.Benito Mussolini’s mugshot, 1903.Vladimir Lenin at 17, 1887.30-year-old Thomas Edison, c. 1878.Mao Zedong, 192719-year-old Nelson Mandela, 1937.19-year-old Mahatma GandhiYoung Vladimir Lenin (left) when he was 3.Future pioneer of flight Amelia Earhart when she was 4, 1901.Albert Einstein, 1882.22-year-old Hillary Rodham Clinton, 1969.Mother Theresa at the age of 18.Saddam Hussein, 1963.Stephen Hawking, 1965.Pope FrancisPablo Picasso, 1908.Maya Angelou, 1957.Gerald Ford, 1933.Marie Curie, 1886.Herbert Hoover, 1898.Susan B. Anthony, c. 1848-1849.Muammar Gaddafi Kim Jong-unOsama Bin LadenChe Guevara, c. 1934Kim Jong-ilFrancisco Franco